I have always loved to craft... Crewel, Embroidery, Counted Cross Stitch (have a project going on now =), Quilting, Knitting and Papercrafting. Over the weekend I made a quilt that has a bit of a story... I lost a very dear friend earlier this year. Back a few years she and I were at the Cape and we happened upon a Quilt shop. We had recently been to Nantucket for the Daffodil Festival and the idea came about to purchase some "beachy" fabrics for a quilt I was going to put together for her. She had so much fun picking out the fabrics, and when we got to a certain point she insisted the quilt have some pink (her favorite color) and some green (my favorite color)... Well, I had gotten away from sewing, and never got that quilt put together... Well, on Thanksgiving day, her daughter will be getting married and I thought what better gift than to put that quilt together and it would not only be a gift from me, but in a way, a gift from her Mom... So at every opportunity between church and work, I have been sewing since Saturday and finished and delivered the quilt last night. Thought I would share a few pics...
I wonder if any of you are quilters too? I think the thing I love about making cards and working with paper is it is a LOT like quilting, on a much smaller scale with almost instant satisfaction... Enough of my babbling and on to share with you this week's Sketch from
Sweet Sketch Wednesday.
Our Sponsor this week is Eureka Stamps!! I fell in love with this sweet Elephant image and knew I had to create a card for the latest addition to my extended family, my Great Nephew Jack born two weeks ago. He lives south of Washington D.C. so I have only seen him in pics and on quality "Face Time" but I am hopeful to meet him around Christmas... so hopeful!!!
Eureka has some great stamps!! You can check them out by clicking
This week's Winner will receive 5 free images so be sure to head on over to
Sweet Sketch Wednesday and play along!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Blessings to you!!